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5__One of a number of tee's in the Dave White range brought to you by Converse, with this top capturing the classic basketball shoe as worn by legend Chuck Taylor and hundreds of fashion consious people today! Dave White, critically acclamed artist, has exhibited his work alongside the likes of Hockney and Picasso in the west end of London and has over 200 pieces in private collections. Thanks to support of sneaker headz and art Lovers, Daves pop art sneaker portraits is now being captured on these unique converse t-shirts! Show your love of trainers and art in one sweet move by getting your hands on one of these! Upper: Cotton
** 5Color 5Size ** **  
* 5Color 5L 33 38,00
* 5Color 5L 32 38,00
* 5Color 5L 22 38,00
* 5Color 5L 34 38,00



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